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Puppy & Kitten Care

At Jenks Veterinary Hospital, we offer specialized puppy and kitten care to ensure your new furry friend gets off to a healthy start in life. Our veterinarians provide comprehensive exams, vaccinations, nutritional guidance, and behavior advice to help your pet grow into a healthy and happy adult.

Puppy & Kitten Care in Jenks, OK

To ensure your new puppy or kitten is healthy and prepared to remain that way, getting them adequately examined and immunized is essential. Based on your requirements, we’ll develop a personalized care plan with advice on vaccines and upkeep.

A furry dog in a vet hand

Puppy & Kitten Care

Starting off well will help your new puppy or kitten lay the groundwork for healthy adult life. Frequent physicals, required and optional vaccinations, fecal parasite screenings, and deworming are all essential measures in ensuring the health of your puppy or kitten. Our experienced staff can help your family learn about housebreaking a puppy, trimming a puppy or kitten’s nails, offering dietary advice, and any health risks associated with your new pet.

Spaying and neutering are additional considerations; depending on the breed and type of pet, the appropriate age for the timing of the sterilization procedure may vary. To get your new little family member off to a great start, consider getting pet health insurance. Last but not least, you should consider whether your new kitten or puppy requires prophylactic meds such as monthly heartworm and flea/tick pills. We are here for you every step of the way since we understand that adding a new pet to the family can bring up a lot of questions.